+ +7 things...+ +
ShekYi tagged me. So, it seems that I needto fill this out. (feelin' LaZieeeeee..... again)Seven things you plan to do before you die:1. Travel around the World!2. Eat, eat, and eat!3. Enjoy all the variety and exotic Food across the Globe!4. Own a Library!5. Own a Yatch!6. Produce an Anime and Manga about my biography!7. Leave behind a VAST fortune for my family!Seven things I could do:1. To exercise more2. To sleep more.3. To say 'I love you' to my parents.4. To eat lesser.5. To spend time on quality stuffs intead of lazying around.6. To be more awake.7. To shop MORE!Seven Celebrity crushes:1. My First Love.2. My Dream Girl.3. My Dear Girl.4. My Girl Girl.5. My Sweet Heart.6. My Dearest.7. My Cupcake. (DUH !!)Seven often repeated words: 1. wtf2. Jia Latz3. Sei lor4. shit5. diuZ6. Sienz7. I'm Sleeeeepieeee ....Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:1. Hourglass build2. Average Bust (at leasT)3. skin fairer, milkier and softer than silk4. beautiful silky hair5. Luscious lips6. Nice and cute butt (good for smackinG !!)7. Decent looking but sexy.Seven tags go to:1. Jessie (coz she's so Jessie .....)2. Jesslyn (coz she always mod her blog)3. Philip(coz he's da exPertz)4. Adeline (coz she's simply a BIG laugh)5. David (coz he is soooo .... Two Boat !!!)6. Hayanna (coz she's so Korean)7. HaZel (Coz she's so Hazey .... )*Fuh !!! .... Finally Done !!! ....... another NTBD entry in the blog ...... nyahahahahaha..... ~~
Jusco Member Day
again ....... man .... my feet's killing me .......... went with Vic and his GF ..... we walked from 11 am - 9 pm .......... them limping back to the house ............
My Haul ........ a Sweater, 2 shorts, 1 T shirt and ..... uhm ........... some briefs ...... hahahahahahaha .......... though i don't really find it REALLYyyyyy..... cheap ...... but boleh tahan la .......... walked whole day if din buy anything ...... I'll be sighing for WEEKS !!!!!
another thing i bought ...... my very first Pinky toy ....... hahahahahah .....
didn't take the pic ......... my phone's camera SUX ...... *sigh* .........now I really itching for a Digital Camera .............. surveying ...... kekekekekeke ......
Strike Freedom

Hahahahaahha ......
just finished assembling yesterday ......... took a few pictures ........
My new TOY ......... kekekekekeke ...... so yau ying ~~~ ..........
it's on display with my other cute gashapons ...... though my collection is indeed a small small one .......
It's the new Strike Freedom Gundam in Gundam Seed Destiny , Pilot Kira Yamato ..... :)
There is also a cute picture or Lacus with Kira next to the mecha .....
Dim Sum At Night
Guess what ....... tonight working night shift .......
I went to Jalan Ipoh to eat dim sum ...... nyahahahahaha .....
this is the first time I've ever eaten dim sum at night ......... normally it's morning .......... Anyway ........ this is one of the more delicious dim sum I've ever tasted in KL ......... so far all the places I went sux ...... sheeshhhh .........
Another good news is I've finally found the Japanese songs that I've been searching for AGES .... nyahahahahaha ....... 
I've uploaded into the site along with a few nice nice songs ...... :P
totalled now is 16 songs ..... wondering when can reach 100 ..... hahahahahahaha 
August MeGaSaLe ...... !!!
The end is NIGH for this season of MEGA SALE ....... kekekekekekekeke ......Went shopping ...... yesterday ..... and boy ....... WHaT I saw at the beginning of August which was only 50% off ....... I found it 70% off .......... I was so hyPed up ........ I straight away Sapu ...... :Phahahahahahaha ..... HappiE happiE ........ I bought 3 new pair of PanTs and 3 new Shirts .......... kekekekekekeke ......... NiCe and Cheap ..... haven'T take pics yet ........ :P quite lazy to take pics of those clothes ....... hahahahahahaha kekekekeke ..... guess noW have to wait till Nov - Dec for another GooD Sales season liau ......... nyahahahahahaahah ........ Boy !!! I love ShoPPinG !!!! :P