+ +7 things...+ +
ShekYi tagged me.
So, it seems that I needto fill this out. (feelin' LaZieeeeee..... again)
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Travel around the World!
2. Eat, eat, and eat!
3. Enjoy all the variety and exotic Food across the Globe!
4. Own a Library!
5. Own a Yatch!
6. Produce an Anime and Manga about my biography!
7. Leave behind a VAST fortune for my family!
Seven things I could do:
1. To exercise more
2. To sleep more.
3. To say 'I love you' to my parents.
4. To eat lesser.
5. To spend time on quality stuffs intead of lazying around.
6. To be more awake.
7. To shop MORE!
Seven Celebrity crushes:
1. My First Love.
2. My Dream Girl.
3. My Dear Girl.
4. My Girl Girl.
5. My Sweet Heart.
6. My Dearest.
7. My Cupcake. (DUH !!)
Seven often repeated words:
1. wtf
2. Jia Latz
3. Sei lor
4. shit
5. diuZ
6. Sienz
7. I'm Sleeeeepieeee ....
Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. Hourglass build
2. Average Bust (at leasT)
3. skin fairer, milkier and softer than silk
4. beautiful silky hair
5. Luscious lips
6. Nice and cute butt (good for smackinG !!)
7. Decent looking but sexy.
Seven tags go to:
1. Jessie (coz she's so Jessie .....)
2. Jesslyn (coz she always mod her blog)
3. Philip(coz he's da exPertz)
4. Adeline (coz she's simply a BIG laugh)
5. David (coz he is soooo .... Two Boat !!!)
6. Hayanna (coz she's so Korean)
7. HaZel (Coz she's so Hazey .... )
*Fuh !!! .... Finally Done !!! ....... another NTBD entry in the blog ...... nyahahahahaha..... ~~
3 Yada yada !!~ ...:
ur blog add all wrong 1 laa..
even mine is wrong..
I am shek yi.. yes.. but my blog add is http://shekyiyeo.blogspot.com laaa...
hahahahahaha .....
sorry ... a bit blur blur .....
had a busy day at office .... and i copied the 7 stuffs from ur blog ..... hahahahahaha
yea la.. even mine also wrong.. what la poku..
wake up wake up
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